In a letter Marlon Brando at the end 1950s, Jack Kerouac said “pray for a film to be made “of his novel, On The Road.
A half-century later, the Brazillian filmmaker Walter Salles who has just built
dream of the writer.
When Walter Salles (Motorcycle Diaries) stopped at the end of 2009 MK2 with the scenario on
Road packaged in an envelope Kraft, it makes some time adaptation Kerouac’s novel film seeking direction. Precisely since Francis Ford Coppola bought the rights the book in the 1960s. Convinced by the passion Venues for the winding route and three jazzy beatniks, MK2 endorses the project, as finally launched.
Sam Riley (Control) will play Sal Paradise, Kristen Stewart (Twilight) will play Marylou, blond Garrett Hedlund (Tron Legacy) will play the legendary Dean Moriarty.
The trio is soon completed by Viggo Mortensen the role of William S. Burroughs and Kirsten Dunst in that ofean’s second wife. In early summer, the troupe flew to Canada, first step in a shooting Homeric who will Snow in Patagonia bayous of Louisiana, cotton fields of Arizona to the deserts of Mexico, for completed on the hills
San Francisco. Co-producer Charles Gillibert, barely income of these six intense months, evokes “a film that found his breath because is moving constantly”, As beatniks.
Expected release December 7, 2011