Kristen beim reiten am 1 Juli.
Denn das muss sie für SWATH ja können ;)
Mehr Fotos hierDenn das muss sie für SWATH ja können ;)
Kristen verlässt Rise Movement am 2 Juli
Es wurde aber auch spekuliert
ob Kristen nicht trainiert für Snow White and The Huntsman:
Is Kristen really taking yoga classes or is she personal training at Rise Movement to prep for SWATH? We saw this being discussed elsewhere, and it kind of makes sense it's the latter. We know her SW role is going to be very physically demanding and that she'd no doubt need to train in specific disciplines.
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Kristen in Malibu am 2 Juli
ob Kristen nicht trainiert für Snow White and The Huntsman:
Is Kristen really taking yoga classes or is she personal training at Rise Movement to prep for SWATH? We saw this being discussed elsewhere, and it kind of makes sense it's the latter. We know her SW role is going to be very physically demanding and that she'd no doubt need to train in specific disciplines.
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Kristen in Malibu am 2 Juli
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