Hometown: North Hollywood, California.
Breakthrough roles: Jodie Foster’s daughter in Panic Room, Tracy in Into the Wild.
Upcoming films: Twilight, Adventureland, and What Just Happened?
Levi’s or J Brand? “Levi’s. Although I think I’m wearing nice J Brands right now.”
Chuck Taylors or Nikes? Converse.
Favorite designer? “Oh, I don’t know. Anything that’s beat up. I kind of like to look like a hobo.”
Role model? Jodie Foster.
BlackBerry or iPhone? “I’m getting a BlackBerry. I don’t even have an e-mail address. I just need a phone that’s not gonna break.”
What’s on your iPod? Van Morrison, the Beatles, the Rolling Stones.
Last book you read? Under the Banner of Heaven, by Jon Krakauer.
Morning or evening? “I’m a night person. I mean, look at me.”
Hybrid or Escalade? “A ’95 Toyota Tacoma.”
Boy crush? “My boyfriend, Michael Angarano!”
btw Kristen Stewart plays Mallory in
Welcome To The Rileys
Directed by Jake Scott, Kristen Stewart as Mallory, she is a 15 year old stripper; who meets a married couple that take her in to help her get her life straight. In the process of helping her, they care for her as their own daughter and patch up their marriage.
The film will be release at Sundance 2010.